「竹田駅メモリーズ」 Takeda Station Memories
2017.3 京都精華大学卒業修了制作展 2017.4 シアターカフェ5周年記念大開放祭 上映 2017.7 SKIPシティ国際Dシネマ映画祭アニメーションコンペティション部門 奨励賞 2017.11 那須ショートフィルムフェスティバル ノミネート 2017.12 Animation Rnus! 上映 
A story about girls and elephants over memories with my mother at Takeda station. One day, Takeda station was closed due to a decrease in users and aging of the station building. High School student Shimiko set up a Buddhist altar at the station nearby to support the station where my mother used to take a lot as a child. Finally, to see the station again, she called the elephant of a park that used to play a lot in the past. And she entered into the no-entry area just before demolition. 2016
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